Greige Border Sample Pack
Explore 9 Border materials uniquely selected to create a calm, grounding feel in both warm and cool spaces. A great opportunity to try out some samples along the diverse spetrum of our range.
All of our Rugs are available in any length and width — so get in touch if you desire bespoke sizes.
Measuring Your Rug
For rooms, ensure your rug is long enough to anchor the space — ideally with the front legs of your furniture resting on the rug. In dining areas, measure your table and add at least 60cm (24 inches) on each side so chairs stay on the rug when pulled out. For hallways, just decide on how much space you require on either side of the Runner, typically 10-20cm (4-6inches)
We recommend leaving around 20-30cm (8-12 inches) of floor visible around the edges of your room for a balanced look. For smaller spaces, for creating relaxing zones, reduce this to 10cm (4 inches) for a cozy feel.
Need a custom size?
Select from the dropdown above or contact us — our team is happy to help!